Garrett, Don:
Ethics IP5 : Shared attributes and the basis of Spinoza's monism
In: Central Themes in Early Modern Philosophy: Essays Presented to Jonathan Bennett / Edited by Jan A. Cover and Mark Kulstad. - Indianapolis [e.a.] : Hackett, 1990: 69-107.
Other editions / translations: Erneut/Again in: Spinoza. Critical assessments. Vol. II, 2001: 24-51 // in: Garrett, Don: Nature and Necessity in Spinoza's Philosophy. New York : Oxford University Press, 2018: [62]-90 (mit/with Postscript: Shared Attributes and Monism Revisited: [91]-97)
Literature type: Articles
Language: English
Thematic areas: Commentary of works, Metaphysics / ontology
Subject: E
Complete bibliographic evaluation: yes
Autopsy: yes
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