Spinoza Bibliography

Published by the Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. and directed by Manfred Walther

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Jäger, Gudrun ; Jehn, Mathias ; Regehly, Thomas ; Zülch, Jessica (Mitarb./coll.):
Carl Gebhardt
Frankfurt/Main : Universitätsbibliothek ; Schopenhauer-Gesellschaft , 2021/2022

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Baruch de Spinoza

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Baker, Ulus:
Kullanışlı bir felsefe: Spinozacılık [A practical philosophy: Spinozism]

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Baker, Ulus:
Bach ve Spinoza [Bach and Spinoza]

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Baker, Ulus:
Spinoza'nın Etika'sının Sunuluşu [The Presence of Spinoza's 'Ethics']

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Baker, Ulus:
Ethica Okumaları I [Reading the 'Ethics']

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Baker, Ulus:
Ethica Okumaları II [Reading the 'Ethics']

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Baker, Ulus:
Ethica Okumaları III [Reading the 'Ethics']

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Baker, Ulus:
Ethica Okumaları VI [Reading the 'Ethics']

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Baker, Ulus:
Spinoza Kitabı: Ethica'nın Sırrı [Spinozas Book: The secret of the 'Ethics']

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