Schnepf, Robert:
Rezension zu/review of: Schipper, Lewis: Spinoza's Ethics : the view from within
In: Spinoza on Mind and Body [s. 8368] / Special editorial team: J. Thomas Cook, Lee Rice. - Würzburg : Königshausen u. Neumann, [2003]: 269-271. - (Studia Spinozana ; 14 (1998))
Literatursorte: Rezensionen
Sprache: deutsch
Rezensierte Werke: Schipper, Lewis: Spinoza's Ethics : the view from within. - New York [e.a.] : Lang, 1993. - 205 pp. - (American University Studies : Series V. Philosophy ; 147) [s. 9099]
Autopsie: ja
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