Lagrée, Jacqueline:
From External Compulsion to Liberating Cooperation : A Reply to Macherey
In: God and Nature - Spinoza's Metaphysics ; Spinoza by 2000 - The Jerusalem Conferences, Volume I [s. 7374] / Edited by Yirmiyahu Yovel; Assistant Editor: Gideon Segal. - Leiden [e.a.] : Brill, 1991: 181-190. - The Jerusalem Spinoza Institute & The Spinoza Research Program, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Spinoza-Erwähnung: passim
Literatursorte: Rezensionen
Sprache: englisch
Sachgebiete: Metaphysik / Ontologie
Behandelte Werke Spinozas: E, KV
Rezensierte Werke: Macherey, Pierre: From Action to Production of Effects : Observations on the Ethical Significance of Ethics I. In: Yovel, Yirmiyahu ; Segal, Gideon (Hrsg./Ed.): God and Nature - Spinoza's Metaphysics ; Spinoza by 2000 - The Jerusalem Conferences, Volume I: 161-180 [s. 7403]
Autopsie: ja
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