Literatursorte | Briefe, Tagebücher, Notizen |
Verfasser | Toland, John |
Titel | Letters to Serena |
Untertitel | containing, I. The Origin and Force of Prejudices. II. The History of the Soul's Immortality among the Heathens. III. The Origin of Idolatry, and Reasons of Heathenism. As also, IV. A letter to a Gentleman in Holland, showing Spinoza's system of Philosophy to be without any Principle or Foundation. V. Motion essential to Matter; in Answer to some Remarks by a Noble Friend on the Confutation of Spinoza. To all which is Prefix'd, VI. A Preface; being a Letter to a Gentleman in London, sent together with the foregoing Dissertations, and declaring the several Occasion of writing them. By Mr. Toland. Opinionum commenta delet Dies, Naturae Judicia confirmat. Cic. de Nat. Deor. l. 2. London; Printed for Bernard Lintot at the Middle-Temple Gate in Fleet-street. M.DCC.IV. |
Verlagsort | London |
Verlag | Lintot |
Jahr | 1704 |
Umfang Seiten (des Bandes) | XXVI, 239 |
Spinoza-Erwähnung | Letter IV. To a Gentleman in Holland, showing Spinosa's System of Philosophy to be without any Principle or Foundation: 131-162 ; Motion essential to Matter, in Answer to some Remarks by a Noble Friend on the Confutation of Spinoza: 163-139 (zwei kurze Erwähnungen/two brief references) |
Sprache | englisch |
Sachgebiete | Theologie / (biblische) Hermeneutik / Religionsphilosophie, Rezeptionsgeschichte |
Behandelte Personen | Bayle, Pierre |
Andere Ausgaben / Auflagen / Übersetzungen |
Erneut/again: Reprint of the 1704 ed. - London [e.a.] : Lintot, 1976. - 239 pp. - (British philosophers and theologians of the 17th & 18th centuries ; 58) // Faksimile-Neudr. der Ausg. London 1704 / mit einer Einleitung von Günter Gawlick. - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, 1964. - 239 pp. // Ed. Ian Leaks. - Dublin : Four Courts, 2013 // [Letter IV] unter d. Titel/entitled: Spinoza's groundless system, in: Boucher, Wayne I. (Hrsg./Ed.): Spinoza : 18th and 19th Century Discussions (1999) ; Vol. 1 ; 1700-1800. - [3. [44]-51] [s. Boucher, Wayne I. (Hrsg., Kommentar/Ed.,...: Spinoza: 18th and 19th..., 1999] Deutsch/German (1959) [s. Toland, John: Briefe an Serena, 1959] Französisch/French (1768, 2004) [s. Toland, John: Letters to Serena, 1704], [s. Toland, John: Lettres à Serena et..., 2004] |
Rezensionen | Anonymus (1749) [s. Anonymus: Rezension zu/review of: Letters..., 1749] |
Autopsie | ja |
Vollständig bibliografisch ausgewertet | nein |
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