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Bartuschat, Wolfgang [s. Bartuschat, Wolfgang: Rezension zu/review of: Spinoza..., 1986]; Bennett, Jonathan [s. Bennett, Jonathan: Spinoza sur l'erreur, 1986] ; Biasutti, Franco [s. Biasutti, Franco: Truth and Certainty in..., 1986] ; [s. Biasutti, Franco: Rezension zu/review of: Collins,..., 1986] ; Boss, Gilbert [s. Boss, Gilbert: Méthode et doctrine dans..., 1986] ; Cristofolini, Paolo [s. Cristofolini, Paolo: Rezension zu/review of: Balibar,..., 1986] ; Curley, Edwin M. [s. Curley, Edwin M.: Spinoza's Geometric Method, 1986] ; Dienstag, Jacob I. [s. Dienstag, Jacob I.: The Relationship of Spinoza..., 1986] ; Dijn, Herman de [s. De Dijn, Herman: Spinoza's Logic or Art..., 1986] ; Floistad, Guttorm [s. Fløistad, Guttorm: Reality as Perfection, 1986] ; Garrett, Don [s. Garrett, Don: Truth and Ideas of..., 1986] ; Hammacher, Klaus [s. Hammacher, Klaus: Rezension zu/review of: Zweermann,..., 1986] ; Harris, Errol E. [s. Harris, Errol Eustace: Method and Metaphysics in..., 1986] ; [s. Harris, Errol Eustace: Rezension zu/review of: Witzenmann,..., 1986] ; Hubbeling, Hubertus Gesinus [s. Hubbeling, H[ubertus] G[ezinus]: The Third Way of..., 1986] ; Jongeneelen, Gerrit H. [s. Jongeneelen, Gerrit: The Translator of Spinoza's..., 1986] ; Klever, Wim [s. Klever, Wim: Axioms in Spinoza's Science..., 1986] ; [s. Klever, Wim: A neglected Document of..., 1986] ; [s. Klever, Wim: The Warning Note of..., 1986] ; [s. Klever, Wim: Spinoza Activities in the..., 1986] ; Lagrée, Jaqueline [s. Lagrée, Jacqueline: Le Colloque 'Premiers Écrits..., 1986] ; Machado de Abreu, Luis [s. Abreu, Luís Machado de: Études Spinozistes au Portugal..., 1986] ; Madanes, Leiser [s. Madanes, Leiser: Rezension zu/review of: Vinti,..., 1986] ; Matheron, Alexandre [s. Matheron, Alexandre: Rezension zu/review of: DiNoi,..., 1986] ; [s. Matheron, Alexandre: Rezension zu/review of: Studi..., 1986] ; Mignini, Filippo [s. Mignini, Filippo: Spinoza's Theory on the..., 1986] ; Olaso, Ezequiel de [s. Olaso, Ezequiel de: Rezension zu/review of: Spinoza,..., 1986] ; Parkinson, George H. R. [s. Parkinson, G[eorge] H[enry] R[adcliffe]: Rezension zu/Review of: Spinoza,..., 1986] ; Rice, Lee C. [s. Rice, Lee C.: Rezension zu/review of: Comte-Sponville,..., 1986] ; Santinelli, Christina [s. Santinelli, Cristina: Rezension zu/review of: Parkinson,..., 1986] ; Siebrand, Heine [s. Siebrand, Heine: Rezension zu/review of: Spinoza,..., 1986] ; Vet, Jan de [s. De Vet, Jan: Spinoza's Authorship of 'Stelkonstige..., 1986] ; Walther, Manfred [s. Walther, Manfred: Rezension zu/review of: Bell,..., 1986]