Literatursorte | Aufsätze |
Verfasser | Minguy, Thomas |
Titel | The Desiring Constitutions of Communities |
Untertitel | A Two-fold Reading of Spinoza's Social Philosophy in the 'Ethics' |
Titel Zeitschrift / Sammelband | Journal of Spinoza Studies |
Zählung | 2, 1 |
Jahr | 2023 |
Seiten | [64]-82 |
Enthält Bibliografie | 81-82 |
Sprache | englisch |
Sachgebiete | Werkkommentar, Gesellschaftstheorie, Politische und Rechtsphilosophie |
Behandelte Werke Spinozas | E, TTP |
Behandelte Personen | Balibar, Étienne |
Autopsie | ja |
Vollständig bibliografisch ausgewertet | ja |
Kommentar deutsch | "This paper argues that we find a double deduction of the origin of society in Spinoza’s philosophy. The site of this doubleness is in E4p37, where Spinoza offers two distinct demonstrations for the same phenomenon. Paying close attention to this double articulation highlights important features of Spinozian social and political philosophy. As Étienne Balibar noted, the two demonstrations operate according to two dimensions of human existence, namely rationality and affectivity" (aus dem abscract) |
Kommentar englisch | "This paper argues that we find a double deduction of the origin of society in Spinoza’s philosophy. The site of this doubleness is in E4p37, where Spinoza offers two distinct demonstrations for the same phenomenon. Paying close attention to this double articulationhighlights important features of Spinozian social and political philosophy. As Étienne Balibar noted, the two demonstrations operate according to two dimensions of human existence, namely rationality and affectivity." (from the abscract) |
URL | http:// |
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