Spinoza Bibliography

Published by the Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. and directed by Manfred Walther

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Eintrag Nr. 21847
Literature type Internet Resource
Author Şahin, Özgür
Author (family name first) Özgür Şahin
Title Spinoza Üzerinden Yürütülen Bir Metodoloji Tartışması. Düşünce Tarihinde Süper Kahramanlar Var Mıdır? Michael della Rocca vs. Daniel Garber (A methodologic discussion about Spinoza: Are there super heroes in the history of Philosophy?)
Year 2018
Language turkish
Thematic areas Reception history, Miscellaneous
Subject (individuals) Della Roca, Michael ; Garber, Daniel
Autopsy no
Complete bibliographic evaluation no
URL http://https://viraverita.org/yazilar/spinoza-uzerinden-yurutulen-bir-metodoloji-tartismasi-dusunce-tarihinin-super-kahramanlari
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