Spinoza Bibliografie

Hrsg. von der Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. unter Leitung von Manfred Walther


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Eintrag Nr. 21655
Literatursorte Aufsätze
Verfasser Santinelli, Cristina
Titel "Conatus" e "corpora simplicissima"
Untertitel Hobbes e Spinoza sulla natura e origine del modo
Titel Zeitschrift / Sammelband Rivista di filosofia
Zählung 3
Jahr 2018
Seiten 383-404
Sprache italienisch
Sachgebiete Naturphilosophie, Zeitgenossen und Kontext, Theorievergleich
Behandelte Personen Hobbes, Thomas
Autopsie nein
Vollständig bibliografisch ausgewertet nein
Kommentar deutsch "The paper suggests a possible relation between the concept of "conatus", as it is presented in Hobbes' "De Corpore", and that of "corpora simplicissima", as formulated by Spinoza in his short treatise on physics in "Ethica". The reflexion doesn't concern the philological and historical question of Hobbes as a source of Spinoza's thought, but focuses on the definitions of those two concepts, in order to evaluate their function as a foundation of a philosophy of nature set free from theological premises and in light of a mechanism inspired by the idea of matter as "potentia/power", as opposed to the cartesian concept of "extentio" as "moles quiescens"." (abstract)
Kommentar englisch "The paper suggests a possible relation between the concept of "conatus", as it is presented in Hobbes' "De Corpore", and that of "corpora simplicissima", as formulated by Spinoza in his short treatise on physics in "Ethica". The reflexion doesn't concern the philological and historical question of Hobbes as a source of Spinoza's thought, but focuses on the definitions of those two concepts, in order to evaluate their function as a foundation of a philosophy of nature set free from theological premises and in light of a mechanism inspired by the idea of matter as "potentia/power", as opposed to the cartesian concept of "extentio" as "moles quiescens"." (abstract)
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