Literatursorte | Aufsätze |
Verfasser | Uhlmann, Anthony |
Titel | Spinoza, aesthetics, and Percy Shelley's 'A Defence of Poetry' |
Titel Zeitschrift / Sammelband | Spinoza's Artes = Textual Practice [s. Gatens, Moira et. al.: Spinoza's Artes = Textual..., 2019] |
Zählung | 33, 5 |
Jahr | 2019 |
Seiten | 721-738 |
Sprache | englisch |
Sachgebiete | Rezeptionsgeschichte, Theorievergleich, Literarische oder künstlerische Darstellung |
Behandelte Personen | Shelley, Percy ; Morrison, C. |
Autopsie | ja |
Vollständig bibliografisch ausgewertet | nein |
Kommentar deutsch | "This paper focuses on the relation between Spinoza’s philosophy and the aesthetic theories and pronouncements developed by Percy Shelley in his well-known essay ‘A Defence of Poetry’." (abstract) |
Kommentar englisch | "This paper focuses on the relation between Spinoza’s philosophy and the aesthetic theories and pronouncements developed by Percy Shelley in his well-known essay ‘A Defence of Poetry’." (abstract) |
URL | http:// |
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