Spinoza Bibliografie

Hrsg. von der Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. unter Leitung von Manfred Walther


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Eintrag Nr. 20680
Literatursorte Aufsätze
Verfasser Villaverde Rico, María José
Titel Spinoza
Untertitel homo homini Deus
Titel Zeitschrift / Sammelband Co-herencia
Zählung 15, 58
Jahr 2018
Seiten 299-320
Sprache spanisch
Sachgebiete Erkenntnistheorie / Methodologie / Philosophie des Geistes, Ethik, Gesellschaftstheorie
Behandelte Werke Spinozas Gesamtwerk
Autopsie nein
Vollständig bibliografisch ausgewertet nein
Kommentar deutsch "Throughout these pages I will tackle: a) the meaning
of understanding or knowing the “true good”; b) the
necessary internal conditions to achieve this
understanding and c) the method that should be followed. Then I will focus on analyzing the external conditions: a) that the largest number of people should reach this goal (hence the title of this article) and b) the existence of political and religious conditions that I will detail." (abstract)
Kommentar englisch "Throughout these pages I will tackle: a) the meaning
of understanding or knowing the “true good”; b) the
necessary internal conditions to achieve this
understanding and c) the method that should be followed. Then I will focus on analyzing the external conditions: a) that the largest number of people should reach this goal (hence the title of this article) and b) the existence of political and religious conditions that I will detail." (abstract)
URL http://publicaciones.eafit.edu.co/index.php/co-herencia/article/view/5027/4152
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