Spinoza Bibliografie

Hrsg. von der Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. unter Leitung von Manfred Walther


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Eintrag Nr. 20058
Literatursorte Aufsätze
Verfasser Tucker, Ericka
Titel Power, Freedom and Relational Autonomy
Titel Zeitschrift / Sammelband Spinoza and Relational Autonomy : Being with Others [s. Armstrong, Aurelia et. al.: Spinoza and Relational Autonomy, 2019]
Herausgeber AF Armstrong, Aurelia ; Green, Keith ; Sangiacomo, Andrea (Hrsg./eds.)
Verlagsort Edinburgh
Verlag Edinburgh University Press
Jahr 2019
Seiten [149]-163
Umfang Seiten (des Bandes) XI, 211
Enthält Bibliografie 163-164
Sprache englisch
Sachgebiete Erkenntnistheorie / Methodologie / Philosophie des Geistes, Anthropologie / Psychologie / Affektenlehre / Körper und Geist, Politische und Rechtsphilosophie
Behandelte Werke Spinozas E
Autopsie ja
Vollständig bibliografisch ausgewertet ja
Kommentar deutsch "In this paper (1) I will argue that Spinoza reformulates a concept of freedom in terms of power. (2) His mature theory of freedom as power proposes that individual power is determined through social interaction, and is thus best understood as a relational theory of freedom. (3) I will show that as a consequence of Spinoza's theory, individuakl power and empowerment relies on those around the individual and, thus, to achieve individual liberation we must pursue collective empowerment." (p. 150)
Kommentar englisch "In this paper (1) I will argue that Spinoza reformulates a concept of freedom in terms of power. (2) His mature theory of freedom as power proposes that individual power is determined through social interaction, and is thus best understood as a relational theory of freedom. (3) I will show that as a consequence of Spinoza's theory, individuakl power and empowerment relies on those around the individual and, thus, to achieve individual liberation we must pursue collective empowerment." (p. 150)
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