Spinoza Bibliografie

Hrsg. von der Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. unter Leitung von Manfred Walther


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Eintrag Nr. 20055
Literatursorte Aufsätze
Verfasser Ravven, Heidi M.
Titel Spinoza's Path from Imaginative Transindividuality to Intuitive and Rational Autonomy
Untertitel From Fusion, Confusion and Fragmentation to Moral Integrity
Titel Zeitschrift / Sammelband Spinoza and Relational Autonomy : Being with Others [s. Armstrong, Aurelia et. al.: Spinoza and Relational Autonomy, 2019]
Herausgeber AF Armstrong, Aurelia ; Green, Keith ; Sangiacomo, Andrea (Hrsg./eds.)
Verlagsort Edinburgh
Verlag Edinburgh University Press
Jahr 2019
Seiten [98]-114
Umfang Seiten (des Bandes) XI, 211
Enthält Bibliografie 114
Sprache englisch
Sachgebiete Erkenntnistheorie / Methodologie / Philosophie des Geistes, Anthropologie / Psychologie / Affektenlehre / Körper und Geist, Ethik, Gesellschaftstheorie, Theorievergleich
Behandelte Werke Spinozas E, TTP
Autopsie ja
Vollständig bibliografisch ausgewertet ja
Kommentar deutsch "Rather than a weak and attenuated version of relational autonomy understood as a theory in which social relationships are merely needed by the individual for her autonomy to pay out effectively, Spinoza's philosophical vision suggests a stronger version. Instead, transindividual relations are constitutive of persons at every stage of cognitive-affective development, on the one hand, and, on the other, an infinitely expansive internal self-constitution of the individual by her (causal) relations is a necessary condition of her fulfilment of the end. Seen from an alternative perspective as the achievment of individuation, the fullest individual causal self-explanation, the state of infinite constitutive relations, is not only necessary but sufficient." (p. 112)
Kommentar englisch "Rather than a weak and attenuated version of relational autonomy understood as a theory in which social relationships are merely needed by the individual for her autonomy to pay out effectively, Spinoza's philosophical vision suggests a stronger version. Instead, transindividual relations are constitutive of persons at every stage of cognitive-affective development, on the one hand, and, on the other, an infinitely expansive internal self-constitution of the individual by her (causal) relations is a necessary condition of her fulfilment of the end. Seen from an alternative perspective as the achievment of individuation, the fullest individual causal self-explanation, the state of infinite constitutive relations, is not only necessary but sufficient." (p. 112)
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