Spinoza Bibliografie

Hrsg. von der Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. unter Leitung von Manfred Walther


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Eintrag Nr. 20052
Literatursorte Aufsätze
Verfasser Renz, Ursula
Titel Epistemic Autonomy in Descartes, Spinoza and Kant
Untertitel The Value of Thinking for Oneself
Titel Zeitschrift / Sammelband Spinoza and Relational Autonomy : Being with Others [s. Armstrong, Aurelia et. al.: Spinoza and Relational Autonomy, 2019]
Herausgeber AF Armstrong, Aurelia ; Green, Keith ; Sangiacomo, Andrea (Hrsg./eds.)
Verlagsort Edinburgh
Verlag Edinburgh University Press
Jahr 2019
Seiten [33]-49
Umfang Seiten (des Bandes) XI, 211
Enthält Bibliografie 48-49
Spinoza-Erwähnung 2. Individualism and Perfectionalism and the Mature Spinoza: 36-41 ; ferner/further: 33-34, 41-42
Sprache englisch
Sachgebiete Erkenntnistheorie / Methodologie / Philosophie des Geistes, Ethik, Gesellschaftstheorie
Behandelte Werke Spinozas E, Ep.
Behandelte Personen Descartes, René ; Kant, Immanuel
Autopsie ja
Vollständig bibliografisch ausgewertet ja
Kommentar deutsch "... we should focus on these accounts" - i.e. "for maintaining epistemic individualism" - "that are most likley tp provide good reasons for individualism, and these are to be found, I think, in the rational rather than in the empiristic tradition. ... In the end, it will turn out, perhaps somewhat surprisingly, that both Spinoza and Kant, while adopting a rather critical stance toward the Cartesian concept formation, remained loyal to what may be considered Descartes' reasons for his epistemic individualism."
Kommentar englisch "... we should focus on these accounts" - i.e. "for maintaining epistemic individualism" - "that are most likley tp provide good reasons for individualism, and these are to be found, I think, in the rational rather than in the empiristic tradition. ... In the end, it will turn out, perhaps somewhat surprisingly, that both Spinoza and Kant, while adopting a rather critical stance toward the Cartesian concept formation, remained loyal to what may be considered Descartes' reasons for his epistemic individualism."
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