Spinoza Bibliografie

Hrsg. von der Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. unter Leitung von Manfred Walther


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Eintrag Nr. 20017
Literatursorte Monografien
Verfasser Brown, Julius
Titel Penser le corps, su puissance et sa destinée chez Spinoza
Untertitel aux sources de son anthropologie
Verlagsort Strasbourg
Jahr 2015
Umfang Seiten (des Bandes) 351
Hochschulschriftenvermerk Strasbourg, Univ., diss. theol., 2015
Enthält Bibliografie 333-345
Sprache französisch
Sachgebiete Metaphysik / Ontologie, Anthropologie / Psychologie / Affektenlehre / Körper und Geist, Politische und Rechtsphilosophie, Theologie / (biblische) Hermeneutik / Religionsphilosophie, Vorgeschichte (z.B. Descartes, Stoa)
Behandelte Werke Spinozas E, KV, PPC/CM, TIE, TP, TTP
Behandelte Personen Aristoteles [Aristotle] ; Augustinus [Augustin] ; Calvin, Johannes [Calvin, Jean] ; Descartes, René ; Epikur [Epicurus]
Autopsie ja
Vollständig bibliografisch ausgewertet ja
Kommentar deutsch "Spinoza assesses the Copernican revolution and advocates a rationalist and materialistic naturalism against the onto-theological tradition, Aristotle and Descartes as the two main figures thereof, theologians and the Bible not to mention. Spinoza interprets the error of geocentrism as indicating two other errors: classical anthropological dualism which subjugated the body to the soul and the illusion of free-will. By gnoseological, psychophysical and socio-emotional rehabilitation of the body, he claims to lead man to present salvation, not eschatological, reconciling him with himself and with God as Nature. The permanence of Hebraic anthropological sensibility is pregnant, which does not cancel metaphysical,soteriological and ethical disparities between him and the Bible. These disparities could bring Spinoza closer to Aristotle than to Descartes. Will the spinozian project keep its promises without relapsing into the traps of the mythical and the mystical?" (Resumé)
Kommentar englisch "Spinoza assesses the Copernican revolution and advocates a rationalist and materialistic naturalism against the onto-theological tradition, Aristotle and Descartes as the two main figures thereof, theologians and the Bible not to mention. Spinoza interprets the error of geocentrism as indicating two other errors: classical anthropological dualism which subjugated the body to the soul and the illusion of free-will. By gnoseological, psychophysical and socio-emotional rehabilitation of the body, he claims to lead man to present salvation, not eschatological, reconciling him with himself and with God as Nature. The permanence of Hebraic anthropological sensibility is pregnant, which does not cancel metaphysical,soteriological and ethical disparities between him and the Bible. These disparities could bring Spinoza closer to Aristotle than to Descartes. Will the spinozian project keep its promises without relapsing into the traps of the mythical and the mystical?"(Resumé)
URL http://https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01982798/file/Brown_Julius_2015_ED270.pdf
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