Spinoza Bibliografie

Hrsg. von der Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. unter Leitung von Manfred Walther


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Eintrag Nr. 19895
Literatursorte Sammelbände
Titel Spinoza in Twenty-First Century American and French Philosophy
Untertitel Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind, Moral and Political Philosophy
Herausgeber AF Stetter, Jack ; Ramond, Charles (Hrsg./eds.)
Verlagsort London [e.a.]
Verlag Bloomsbury
Jahr 2019
Umfang Seiten (des Bandes) XXXVIII, 396
Enthaltene Werke Beiträge von: Barbone, Steven [s. Barbone, Steven: 'Individual' and 'Community' and..., 2019] ; Bove, Laurent [s. Bove, Laurent: A Response, 2019] ; Curley, Edwin [s. Curley, Edwin: Spinoza's Metaphysics Revisited, 2019] ; Debuiche, Valérie [s. Debuiche, Valérie: A Response, 2019] ; Della Rocca, Michael [s. Della Rocca, Michael: The Elusiveness of the..., 2019] ; Duffy, Simon B. [s. Duffy, Simon: The Transformation of Relations..., 2019] ; Garber, Daniel [s. Garber, Daniel: Anthropomorphism, Teleology, and Superstition, 2019] ; Gillot, Pascal [s. Gillot, Pascal: A Response, 2019] ; Hervet, Cáline [s. Hervet, Céline: A Response, 2019] ; Israel, Jonathan [s. Israel, Jonathan: Spinoza's Formulation of the..., 2019] ; Jaquet, Chantal [s. Jaquet, Chantal: A Response, 2019] ; Lærke, Mogens [s. Lærke, Mogens: A Response, 2019] ; Lagrée, Jacqueline [s. Lagrée, Jacqueline: A Response, 2019] ; Lin, Martin [s. Lin, Martin: Metaphysical Rationalism, 2019] ; Melamed, Yitzhak Y. [s. Melamed, Yitzhak Y.: The Earliest Draft of..., 2019] ; Moreau, Pierre-François [s. Moreau, Pierre-François: A Response, 2019] ; Nadler, Steven [s. Nadler, Steven: Spinoza on Good and..., 2019] ; Peden, Knox [s. Peden. Knox: Spinoza's True Ideas, 2019] ; Peterman, Alison [s. Peterman, Alison: Spinoza's Two Claims about..., 2019] ; Ramond, Charles [s. Ramond, Charles: A Response, 2019] ; Rosenthal, Michael A. [s. Rosenthal, Michael A.: Spinoza on Beings of..., 2019] ; Sévérac, Pascal [s. Sévérac, Pascal: A Response, 2019] ; Sharp, Hasana [s. Sharp, Hasana: Generosity as Freedom in..., 2019] ; Stetter, Jack [s. Stetter, Jack: A Response, 2019] ; Suhamy, Ariel [s. Suhamy, Ariel: A Response, 2019] ; Vinciguerra, Lorenzo [s. Vinciguerra, Lorenzo: A Response, 2019]
Sprache englisch
Sachgebiete Metaphysik / Ontologie, Erkenntnistheorie / Methodologie / Philosophie des Geistes, Ethik, Politische und Rechtsphilosophie, Theologie / (biblische) Hermeneutik / Religionsphilosophie, Zeitgenossen und Kontext
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