Spinoza Bibliografie

Hrsg. von der Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. unter Leitung von Manfred Walther


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Eintrag Nr. 19539
Literatursorte Monografien
Verfasser Morrow, Jeffrey I.
Titel Theology, Politics, and Exegesis
Untertitel Essays on the History of Modern Biblical Criticism
Verlagsort Eugene, Oregon
Verlag Pickwick
Jahr 2017
Umfang Seiten (des Bandes) XVII, 119
Enthaltene Werke Acknowledgements: IX-XII ; Introduction: XIII-XVII ; 1. An Overview of the History of Biblical Criticism Prior to the Enlightenment: 1-15 ; 2. The Psalter and Seventeenth-Century Politics : Spinoza's 'Theological-Political Treatise': 16-34 ; 3. Faith, Reason, and Biblical Interpretation : The Cases of Richard Simon and St. Thomas More: 35-51 ; 4. Biblical Studies at the Enlightenment University: 52-73 ; 5. A Parting of the Ways : Biblical Studies and Moral Theology: 74-90 ; Conclusion: 91-92
Enthält Bibliografie 93-112
Spinoza-Erwähnung Acknowledgements: VII, IX, XII ; Introduction: XV-XVII ; Kap./Chapt. 2: durchgängig/throughout ; Kap./Chapt. 3: 35-36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 49, 50 ; Kap./Chapt. 4: 52, 54, 55n11, 56, 57, 58n24, 59, 62n39, 65, 68n54, 70-72 ; Kap./Chapt. 5: 82-83, 85 ;
Conclusion: 91-92
Sprache englisch
Sachgebiete Politische und Rechtsphilosophie, Theologie / (biblische) Hermeneutik / Religionsphilosophie, Zeitgenossen und Kontext
Behandelte Werke Spinozas TTP
Behandelte Personen Simon, Richard
Erstauflage in der Originalsprache Kap./Chapt. 1: Older version as review: Morrow, Jeffrey I. (2013) [s. Verwey, Albert: Het zwaartjaar, 1916] ; Kap./Chapt. 2: Older and smaler version as Morrow, Jeffrey I. (2015) [s. Morrow, Jeffrey I.: Secularization, Objectivity, and Enlightenment..., 2015] ; Kap./Chapt. 3: First part = second half of Morrow, Jeffrey I. (2015) [s. Morrow, Jeffrey I.: Spinoza's Use of the..., 2015] ; Kap./Chapt. 4: First as a the review essays Morrow, Jeffrey I. (2013) [s. Morrow, Jeffrey I.: The Untold History of..., 2014]
Autopsie ja
Vollständig bibliografisch ausgewertet ja
Kommentar deutsch Aus Kap./Chapt. 2: "In the end, we find that Spinoza's use of the Psalms is selective, as is his use of other portions of the Bible... Biblical Psalms in the 'Tractatus theologico-politicus' thus serve as one of many theo-political weapons Spinoza employs against his adversaries" (p. 27).
Aus Kap./Chapt. 3: "Simon's method thus suffers from the same pitfalls as Spinoza's" (p. 36).
Kommentar englisch From Kap./Chapt. 2: "In the end, we find tat Spinoza's use of the Psalms is selective, as is his use of other portions of the Bible... Biblical Psalms in the 'Tractatus theologico-politicus' thus serve as one of many theo-political weapons Spinoza employs against his adversaries" (p. 27).
From Kap./Chapt. 3: "Simon's method thus suffers from the same pitfalls as Spinoza's" (p. 36).
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