Spinoza Bibliografie

Hrsg. von der Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. unter Leitung von Manfred Walther


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Eintrag Nr. 19418
Literatursorte Aufsätze
Verfasser Di Vona, Piero
Titel L'universalità di Spinoza
Titel Zeitschrift / Sammelband Rivista di Storia della Filosofía
Jahr 2013
Seiten 215-225
Enthält Zusammenfassung auf englisch
Sprache italienisch
Sachgebiete Vorgeschichte (z.B. Descartes, Stoa), Zeitgenossen und Kontext, Rezeptionsgeschichte
Autopsie nein
Vollständig bibliografisch ausgewertet nein
Kommentar deutsch "Spinoza’s philosophy symbolized universal thought. Firstly, it was the last philosophy to bring about a dialogue between Latin philosophy, Jewish philosophy and Muslim theology. Secondly, it was the intellectual center around which the three cultures that led to the seventeenth century being considered the golden century were reunited: those based on Dutch, Spanish and Scottish philosophy. Thirdly, Spinoza’s philosophy was universal in that it was the only modern philosophy to play a substantial part in that intercontinental movement which was the modern scholasticism of the seventeenth century. Fourthly, it was also universal because it traced Renaissance culture back to the two fundamental principles of Greek thought" (abstract).
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