Literatursorte | Aufsätze |
Verfasser | Negri, Antonio |
Titel | Spinoza |
Untertitel | A Diffent Power to Act |
Titel Zeitschrift / Sammelband | Spinoza's Authority, Volume I : Resistance and Power in the 'Ethics' [s. Kordela, A. Kiarina et. al.: Spinoza's Authority, Volume I, 2018] |
Herausgeber AF | Kordela, A. Kiarina ; Vardoulakis, Dimitris (Hrsg./Eds.) |
Verlagsort | London (e.a.) |
Verlag | Bloomsbury |
Jahr | 2018 |
Seiten | [135]-146 |
Umfang Seiten (des Bandes) | IX, 222 |
Enthält Bibliografie | 145 |
Sprache | englisch |
Sachgebiete | Metaphysik / Ontologie, Anthropologie / Psychologie / Affektenlehre / Körper und Geist, Politische und Rechtsphilosophie |
Autopsie | ja |
Vollständig bibliografisch ausgewertet | ja |
Kommentar deutsch |
Analyse des Verhältnisses von 'potentia' und 'potestes' in der politischen Philosophie Spinozas; Anwendung auf gegenwärtige Problemfelder. "... what is "different" and new in Spinoza? From a political point of view, it is simply a decisive break with a whole line of thought that emphazises... the continuity of the transcendental concept of power from Aristotle to Hobbes to Schmitt... And from another, immanent, point of view, the "difference" of the concept of 'potentia' resides in the fact that... it builts virtue from below: generosity and inner strength are always incarnated in the 'polis'. In sum, all beatitude is civic." (S. 144) |
Kommentar englisch |
Analysis of the relation of 'potentia' and 'potestas' in Spinoza's political philosophy ; application to contemporary issues. "... what is "different" and new in Spinoza? From a political point of view, it is simply a decisive break with a whole line of thought that emphazises... the continuity of the transcendental concept of power from Aristotle to Hobbes to Schmitt... And from another, immanent, point of view, the "difference" of the concept of 'potentia' resides in the fact that... it builts virtue from below: generosity and inner strength are always incarnated in the 'polis'. In sum, all beatitude is civic." (S. 144) |
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