Literatursorte | Aufsätze |
Verfasser | Vardoulakis, Dimitris |
Titel | Equality and Power |
Untertitel | Spinoza's Reformulation of the Aristotelian Tradition of Egalitarism |
Titel Zeitschrift / Sammelband | Spinoza's Authority, Volume I : Resistance and Power in the 'Ethics' [s. Kordela, A. Kiarina et. al.: Spinoza's Authority, Volume I, 2018] |
Herausgeber AF | Kordela, A. Kiarina ; Vardoulakis, Dimitris (Hrsg./Eds.) |
Verlagsort | London (e.a.) |
Verlag | Bloomsbury |
Jahr | 2018 |
Seiten | [11]-31 |
Umfang Seiten (des Bandes) | IX, 222 |
Enthält Bibliografie | 30-31 |
Sprache | englisch |
Sachgebiete | Metaphysik / Ontologie, Gesellschaftstheorie, Politische und Rechtsphilosophie, Vorgeschichte (z.B. Descartes, Stoa), Zeitgenossen und Kontext, Theorievergleich |
Behandelte Werke Spinozas | E |
Behandelte Personen | Aristoteles [Aristotle] ; Augustinus ; Hobbes, Thomas ; Kant, Immanuel |
Autopsie | ja |
Vollständig bibliografisch ausgewertet | ja |
Kommentar deutsch |
"Spinoza's sense of equality is inextricably linked to his conception of power and the production of state authority." (S. 11) "The Spinozan position allows for a conceptualization of equality which is not dependent on authority, but consists rather in the equality of access to participation in the differential unfolding of power." (S. 26) |
Kommentar englisch |
"Spinoza's sense of equality is inextricably linked to his conception of power and the production of state authority." (p. 11) "The Spinozan position allows for a conceptualization of equality which is not dependent on authority, but consists rather in the equality of access to participation in the differential unfolding of power." (p. 26) |
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