Literatursorte | Rezensionen |
Verfasser | Seeskin, Kenneth |
Titel | Recent Work on Spinoza |
Titel Zeitschrift / Sammelband | The Jewish Quarterly Review |
Zählung | 98, 4 |
Jahr | 2008 |
Seiten | 552-558 |
Sprache | englisch |
Rezensierte Werke |
Levene, Nancy K.: Spinoza's Revelation : Religion, Democracy, and reason. - Cambridge [ea.] : Cambridge University Press, 2004. - XXI, 235 pp. [s. Levene, Nancy K.: Spinoza's Revelation, 2004] Popkin, Richard H.: Spinoza. - Oxford : Oneworld, 2004. - 153 pp. [s. Popkin, Richard H.: Spinoza, 2004] Spinoza, Benedictus de: Spinoza's Theologico-Political Treatise. Translated from the Latin with glossary, indexes and interpretative essay by Yaffe, Martin D. - Newport, Mass. : Focus, 2004. - XXIII, 458 pp. (Focus philosophical library) [s. Spinoza, Benedictus de: Spinoza's Theologico-Political Treatise, 2004] |
Autopsie | nein |
Vollständig bibliografisch ausgewertet | nein |
Link zu dieser Seite | |
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