Naess, Arne:
The ecology of wisdom : writings by Arne Naess
ed. by Alan Drangson and Bill Devall
Washington, D.C. : Counterpoint, 2008. - IX, 2008 pp.
Enthaltene Werke: The Place of Joy in a World of Fact : Spinoza on Joy: 123-139
Nonviolance and Ghandi, Spinoza and Wholeness Nonmilitary Defense: 207-218
Spinoza and the Deep Ecology Movement: 230-251 [s. 13604]
Through Spinoza to Mahayana Buddhism, or Through Mahayana Buddism to Spinoza?: 252-273 [s. 10556]
Freedom, Self, and Activeness, According to Spinoza: 274-276
Andere Ausgaben / Auflagen / Übersetzungen: Erneut/Again: 2010
Literatursorte: Monografien
Sprache: englisch
Sachgebiete: Metaphysik / Ontologie, Erkenntnistheorie / Methodologie / Philosophie des Geistes, Naturphilosophie
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