Literatursorte | Sammelbände |
Titel | Spinoza as religious philosopher |
Untertitel | Between Radical protestantism and Jewishness ; [conference, 2006, proceedings] |
Titel Zeitschrift / Sammelband | The Conrad Grebel Review |
Zählung | 25, 3 |
Verlagsort | Waterloo, Ont. |
Verlag | Conrad Grebel College |
Jahr | Fall 2007 |
Umfang Seiten (des Bandes) | 110 |
Enthaltene Werke | Beiträge zu/Contributions on Spinoza: Driedger, Michael [s. Driedger, Michael: Response to Graeme Hunter, 2007] ; Goetschel, Willi [s. Goetschel, Willi: Spinoza's Jewishness, 2007] ; Hartman, Peter John [s. Hartman, Peter John: Rezension von/review of: Hunter,..., 2007] ; Hunter, Graeme [s. Hunter, Graeme: Spinoza on Character and..., 2007] ; Klassen, Mathew [s. Ramond, Charles: L'irrévocabilité des promesses chez..., 2012] ; Novak, David [s. Novak, David: Response to Willi Goetschel, 2007] ; Seiling, Jonathan R. [s. Seiling, Jonathan R.: Spinoza as a Religious..., 2007] ; [s. Seiling, Jonathan R.: Rezension zu/review of: Goetschel,..., 2007] |
Sprache | englisch |
Sachgebiete | Zeitgenossen und Kontext, Spinoza und Judentum / Jüdische Philosophie |
Autopsie | ja |
Vollständig bibliografisch ausgewertet | ja |
Kommentar deutsch | "The main theme of this issue is 'Spinoza as a Religious philosopher: Between Radical Protestantism and Jewishness'" (p. 1). |
Kommentar englisch | "The main theme of this issue is 'Spinoza as a Religious philosopher: Between Radical Protestantism and Jewishness'" (p. 1). |
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