Spinoza Bibliografie

Hrsg. von der Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. unter Leitung von Manfred Walther


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Eintrag Nr. 15906
Literatursorte Monografien
Verfasser Hahn, Scott W. ; Wiker, Benjamin
Titel Politicizing the Bible
Untertitel The Roots of Historical Criticism and the Secularization of Scripture 1300-1700
Verlagsort New York
Verlag Crossroad
Jahr 2013
Umfang Seiten (des Bandes) VIII, (II), 611
Reihe ; Bandnummer Herder & Herder Book
Enthält Bibliografie 567-592
Spinoza-Erwähnung 9. Spinoza and the Beginning of the Radical Enlightenment: 339-393; 10. The Ambiguous Richard Simon. Using Spinoza Against Sola Scriptura: 396-398; ferner: Mehr als 80 Erwähnungen, bes. im Kapitel "Conclusions" mit, u.a., einem kurzen Überblick über die Rezeption in Deutschland (Johann Salomon Semler bis David Friedrich Strauss)/further: More than 80 references with, i.a., a brief survey on the reception in Germany from Johann Salomon Semler up to David Friedrich Strauss
Sprache englisch
Sachgebiete Biografie, Metaphysik / Ontologie, Politische und Rechtsphilosophie, Theologie / (biblische) Hermeneutik / Religionsphilosophie, Zeitgenossen und Kontext, Rezeptionsgeschichte
Behandelte Werke Spinozas E, TTP
Behandelte Personen Da Costa, Uriel ; De Pado, Juan; Enden, Franciscus van den ; Koerbagh, Adriaan ; La Peyrère, Isaac ; Meijer, Lodewijk ; Simon, Richard ; Toland, John
Rezensionen Morrow, Jeffrey I. (2014) [s. Morrow, Jeffrey I.: The Untold History of..., 2014]
Autopsie ja
Vollständig bibliografisch ausgewertet ja
Kommentar deutsch "Through the Radical Enlightenment's embrace of Spinoza, and the many eighteenth-century responses to Spinoza, we can see the influence Spinoza's work had on future generations of scriptual scholars" (p. 14).
"As strange as it may sound to biblical scholars in academia, the fundamental issue deciding the caliber of Spinoza's biblical hermeneutics (and hence what he has bequeathed to his progency as one of the fathers of of modern biblical hermeneutics) is the accuracy and adequacy of Spinoza's account of reason and nature" (p. 392).
Kommentar englisch "Through the Radical Enlightenment's embrace of Spinoza, and the many eighteenth-century responses to Spinoza, we can see the influence Spinoza's work had on future generations of scriptual scholars" (p. 14).
"As strange as it may sound to biblical scholars in academia, the fundamental issue deciding the caliber of Spinoza's biblical hermeneutics (and hence what he has bequeathed to his progency as one of the fathers of of modern biblical hermeneutics) is the accuracy and adequacy of Spinoza's account of reason and nature" (p. 392).
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