Spinoza Bibliography

Published by the Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. and directed by Manfred Walther

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Eintrag Nr. 15725
Literature type Reviews
Author Anonymus
Title Spinoza
Subtitle His Life and Writings
Title of magazine / anthology British Quarterly Review
Counting 8, 16
Year 1848
Pages 395-432; Addendum: 572
Language English
Thematic areas Biography, Commentary of works
Subject Complete Works
Other editions / translations Erneut/again in: Spinoza : 18th and 19th Century Discussions. Vol. 2: 1800-1855 / edited and introduced by Wayne I. Boucher. - Bristol : Thoemmes Pr., 1999. - vii, 272 pp. - [43. [191]-212]
Works reviewed Benedicti de Spinoza Opera quae supersunt omnia : ex editionibus principibus denuo edidit et praefatus est Carolus Hermannus Bruder. - 3 Vol. - Leipzig : Tauchnitz, 1843-46
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