Spinoza Bibliografie

Hrsg. von der Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. unter Leitung von Manfred Walther


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Naess, Arne:
Reason, Democracy, and Science : Understanding among conflicting worldviews ; selected papers

Ed. by Harold Glasser

Dordrecht : Springer, 2005. - LXXV, 370 pp. - (The selected works of Arne Naess ; 9).

Enthaltene Werke: Is Freedom Consistent with Spinoza's Determinism?: 235-254
Through Spinoza to Mahayana Buddhism or through Mahayana Buddhism to Spinoza?: 155-276
An Application of Empirical Argumentation Analysis to Spinoza's 'Ethics': 276-284
Spinoza's Finite God: 285-290
Einstein, Spinoza, and God: 291-298
Andere Ausgaben / Auflagen / Übersetzungen: Vorher/previous:
Is Freedom Consistent with Spinoza's Determinism? (1974) in [s. 5349]
Through Spinoza to Mahayana Buddhism or through Mahayana Buddhism to Spinoza? (1978) in [s. 10556]
An Application of Empirical Argumentation Analysis to Spinoza's 'Ethics' (1978) [s. 14560]
Spinoza's Finite God (1981) [s. 12462]
Einstein, Spinoza, and God (1983) [s. 2764]

Literatursorte: Monografien
Sprache: englisch
Sachgebiete: Naturphilosophie

Autopsie: ja

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