Spinoza Bibliography

Published by the Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. and directed by Manfred Walther

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Eintrag Nr. 15293
Literature type Articles
Author Jouffroy, Théodore Simon
Title Introduction to Ethics (Vol. 1)
Subtitle Including a Critical Survey of Moral Systems
Editor transl. by William H. Channing
Editor (surname first) Channing, William H. (Übers./transl.)
Place published Boston
Publisher Monroe and Co.
Year 1849
Pages in total (of the volume) XII, 324
Mention of Spinoza Vol I. Lecture VI: System of Pantheism - Spinoza: 145-174; Lecture VII: The same subject continued: 175-199
Language English
Thematic areas Ethics, Theology / biblical hermeneutics / philosophy of religion, Reception history
Subject E
Other editions / translations Zuerst/first: 1840
Vol I. Lectures VI, VII erneut betitelt/again entitled 'Spinoza's System of Pantheism' in: Spinoza : 18th and 19th Century Discussions. Vol. 2: 1800-1855 / edited and introduced by Wayne I. Boucher. - Bristol : Thoemmes Pr., 1999. - vii, 272 pp. - [37. [130]-147]
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