Spinoza Bibliography

Published by the Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. and directed by Manfred Walther

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Enfield, William:
The History of Philosophy from the Earliest Periods : Drawn up from Brucker's Historia Critica Philosophiae

2. ed.. London : Daly, 1837.

Mention of Spinoza: Book X. Chap. III. Section III: Of Modern attempts to improve Natural Philosophy: 617-618
Other editions / translations: Vorher/previous: Enfield, William: The History of Philosophy, from the Earliest Period : Drawn up from Brucker's Historia Critica Philosophiae [2 vol.]. - Dublin : Wogan, 1791 // Auszug/excerpt [ed. 1837] in: Boucher, Wayne I. (Hrsg./Ed.): Spinoza : 18th and 19th Century Discussions (1999) ; Vol. 1 ; 1700-1800. - [23. Benedict de Spinoza: [238]-239]

Literature type: Monographs
Language: English
Thematic areas: Overall view / introduction, Reception history

Autopsy: yes

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