Spinoza Bibliografie

Hrsg. von der Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. unter Leitung von Manfred Walther


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Eintrag Nr. 13580
Literatursorte Sammelbände
Titel Spinoza
Herausgeber Edited by Gideon Segal and Yirmiyahu Yovel
Herausgeber AF Segal, Gideon; Yovel, Yirmiyahu (Hrsg./Ed.)
Verlagsort Aldershot [e.a.]
Verlag Ashgate
Jahr 2002
Umfang Seiten (des Bandes) XXII, 502
Reihe ; Bandnummer The International Library of Critical Essays in the History of Philosophy
Enthaltene Werke Aquila, Richard E. [s. Aquila, Richard E.: The Identity of Thought..., 1978] ; Bennett, Jonathan [s. Bennett, Jonathan: Spinoza on Error, 1986] ; Carr, Spencer [s. Carr, Spencer: Spinoza's Distinction between Rational..., 1978] ; Collier, Andrew [s. Collier, Andrew: The materiality of morals, 1991] ; Cook, Thomas J. [s. Cook, J. Thomas: Did Spinoza lie to..., [1996]] ; Curley, Edwin E. [s. Curley, Edwin M.: Spinoza on Truth, 1994] ; De Dijn, Hermann [s. De Dijn, Herman: Knowledge, anthropocentrism and salvation, [1995]] ; Della Rocca, Michael [s. Della Rocca, Michael: Causation and Spinoza's claim..., 1991] ; Frankena, William K. [s. Frankena, William K.: Spinoza on the knowledge..., 1977] ; Giancotti, Emilia [s. Giancotti, Emilia: On the Problem of..., 1991] ; Harris, Errol E. [s. Harris, Errol E.: Spinoza's Theory of Human..., 1971] ; Jarrett, Charles [s. Jarrett, Charles: Spinoza's Denial of Mind-Body..., 1991] ; Kulstad, Mark A. [s. Kulstad, Mark: Spinoza's Demonstration of Monism, 1996] ; Matheron, Alexandre [s. Matheron, Alexandre: Ideas of Ideas and..., 1994] ; Radner, Daisy [s. Radner, Daisy [Daisie]: Spinoza's Theory of Ideas, 1971] ; Ravven, Heidi M. [s. Ravven, Heidi M[orrison]: Spinoza's Individualism Reconsidered, 1998] ; Rice, Lee C. [s. Rice, Lee C.: 'Tanquam naturae humanae exemplar', 1991] ; Rosenthal, Michael A. [s. Rosenthal, Michael A.: Why Spinoza chose the..., 2002] ; Segal, Gideon [s. Segal, Gideon: Beyond Subjectivity: Spinoza's Cognitivism..., 2000] ; Segal, Gideon; Yovel, Yirmiyahu [s. Segal, Gideon et. al.: Introduction, 2002] ; Steinberg, Diane [s. Steinberg, Diane: Spinoza's theory of the..., 1981] ; Wilson, Margeret D. [s. Dauler Wilson, Margaret: Infinite understanding, 'Scientia Intuitiva'..., 1983] ; Yovel, Yirmiyahu [s. Yovel, Yirmiyahu: The Second Kind of..., 1994], [s. Yovel, Yirmiyahu: Spinoza: The Psychology of..., 1985] ; Zellner, Harold [s. Zellner, Harold: Spinoza's Causal Likeness Principle, 1986], [s. Zellner, Harold: Spinoza's Temporal Argument for..., 1988-1989]
Sprache englisch
Sachgebiete Metaphysik / Ontologie, Erkenntnistheorie / Methodologie / Philosophie des Geistes, Anthropologie / Psychologie / Affektenlehre / Körper und Geist, Ethik, Politische und Rechtsphilosophie, Theologie / (biblische) Hermeneutik / Religionsphilosophie
Behandelte Werke Spinozas Gesamtwerk
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