Spinoza Bibliografie

Hrsg. von der Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. unter Leitung von Manfred Walther


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Eintrag Nr. 12136
Literatursorte Rezensionen
Verfasser Popkin, Richard
Titel Notes from Underground
Untertitel Review of
1.: Yovel, Yirmiyahu: Spinoza and Other Heretics. Vol. 1: The Marrano of Reason
2.: Kaplan, Yosef: From Christianity to Judaism
3.: Spinoza, Benedictus de: Tractatus Theologico-Politicus / transl. by Samuel Shirley
Titel Zeitschrift / Sammelband The New Republic
Zählung May, 21.
Jahr 1990
Seiten 35-41
Sprache englisch
Sachgebiete Vorgeschichte (z.B. Descartes, Stoa), Spinoza und Judentum / Jüdische Philosophie
Rezensierte Werke Yovel, Yirmiyahu: Spinoza and other Heretics [2 Vol.] ; 1: The Marrano of Reason; 2: The Adventures of Immanence. - Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton Univ. Pr., 1989. - Vol. 1: XIII, 244 pp.; Vol. 2: XV, 225 pp. [s. Yovel, Yirmiyahu: Spinoza and other Heretics..., 1989 ; 1992]
Kaplan, Yosef: From Christianity to Judaism : The Story of Issac Orobio de Castro / transl. from the Hebrew by Raphael Loewe. - New York [e.a.] : Oxford Univ. Pr., 1989. - XV, 531 pp. - (The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization) [s. Kaplan, Yosef: From Christianity to Judaism, 1989]
Spinoza, Benedictus de: Tractatus Theologico-Politicus / Transl. by Samuel Shirley, Introd. by Brad S. Gregory. - Leiden [e.a.] : Brill, 1989. - VI, 316 pp. [s. Spinoza, Baruch [Spinoza, Benedictus de]: Tractatus Theologico-Politicus, 1989]
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