Spinoza Bibliography

Published by the Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. and directed by Manfred Walther

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Belin, Marie-Hélène:
Rezension zu/review of: Osier, Jean-Pierre: D'Uriel da Costa à Spinoza

In: Cahiers Spinoza : Numéro 5 ; Hiver 1984-85 [Les écrits scientifiques de Spinoza] - Paris : Éditions Réplique, 1985: 270-273.

Literature type: Reviews
Language: French
Thematic areas: Previous history (e.g. Descartes, Stoicism), Contemporaries and context
Subject (individuals): Costa, Uriel da

Works reviewed: Osier, Jean-Pierre: D'Uriel da Costa à Spinoza. - Paris : Berg, 1983. - 299 pp. - (L' Autre Rive)

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