Spinoza Bibliography

Published by the Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. and directed by Manfred Walther

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Armstrong, Aurelia:
Spinoza's Ethics and Politics of Freedom : Spinoza's Reformulation of the Active and Passive Power

In: Spinoza's Authority, Volume I : Resistance and Power in the 'Ethics'  / Kordela, A. Kiarina ; Vardoulakis, Dimitris (Hrsg./Eds.). - London (e.a.) : Bloomsbury, 2018: [33]-56.

Contains bibliography: 55-56

Literature type: Articles
Language: English
Thematic areas: Anthropology / psychology / doctrine of affections / body and mind, Ethics, Philosophy of politics and law, Reception history, Comparison of theories
Subject: E
Subject (individuals): Den Uyl, Douglas J. ; Smith, Steven B. ; Steinberg, Diane

Complete bibliographic evaluation: yes
Autopsy: yes
English commentary: Critical discussion of the liberal interpreetation of Spinoza's political philosophy:
"I suggest that the hyper-individualistic conception of freedom attributed to Spinoza in some recent liberal theories involves a distortion of Spinoza's account of ethical liberation, which has its source in a failure to adequately think through the complex relation between essential power, the internal activitiy of things, and external causes." (p. 34)
"... while the path to freedom and perfection envisaged by Spinoza may indeed, as liberal interpreters remind us, be a matter of cultivating the power to act from reason alone, or for ourselves as private individuals, but only insofar as we participate in the collective project of striving together, as far as we can, to preserve our being, and together seek the common advantage of al.l" (p. 52)

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