Spinoza Bibliography

Published by the Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. and directed by Manfred Walther

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Eintrag Nr. 20927
Literature type Articles
Author Bras, Gérard
Title Injustice et rébellion populaire
Title of magazine / anthology Revue internationale de philosophie [= Obéissance et rébellion chez Spinoza]
Counting 295, 1
Year 2021
Pages 109-125
Language French
Thematic areas Philosophy of politics and law
Autopsy no
Complete bibliographic evaluation no
German commentary "In Spinoza, injustice is equated with the transgression of positive law, and popular rebellions invariably go against the law: indeed, the multitude can never legitimately rebel. However, it is characterized as species juris, the appearance or false appearance of justice, which is the opposite of the true interpretation of laws. Both those who govern and those who are governed are therefore capable of injustice. It is thus necessary to explain to what either side is bound in order to understand the way of producing legal norms." (abstract)
English commentary "In Spinoza, injustice is equated with the transgression of positive law, and popular rebellions invariably go against the law: indeed, the multitude can never legitimately rebel. However, it is characterized as species juris, the appearance or false appearance of justice, which is the opposite of the true interpretation of laws. Both those who govern and those who are governed are therefore capable of injustice. It is thus necessary to explain to what either side is bound in order to understand the way of producing legal norms." (abstract)
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