Spinoza Bibliography

Published by the Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. and directed by Manfred Walther

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Eintrag Nr. 20326
Literature type Articles
Author Espinosa, Luciano
Title El pensamiento narrativo de Spinoza
Title of magazine / anthology Co-herentia : Revista de Humanidades
Counting 15, 28
Year 2018
Pages 271-295
Contains bibliography 295
Language Spanish
Thematic areas Miscellaneous
Autopsy no
Complete bibliographic evaluation no
German commentary "Spinoza is far from the so called narrative thought and he prefers the timeless knowledge that reason provides. However, the complexity of human life requires other forms of approach that enable its comprehension in its particular and often contingent context from the point of view of the subject. Therefore, the author permits - even though in a second scheme - a flexible treatment of practical issues, that includes various narrative aspects which make ready and extend rationality. Such is the case of genealogical study of phenomena, political debate, also the learning derived from experience, education, psychophysics biography, the use of suggestion and visualization techniques, etc. Once again, it is about adding tools to develop a lucid and joyful life." (abstract)
English commentary "Spinoza is far from the so called narrative thought and he prefers the timeless knowledge that reason provides. However, the complexity of human life requires other forms of approach that enable its comprehension in its particular and often contingent context from the point of view of the subject. Therefore, the author permits - even though in a second scheme - a flexible treatment of practical issues, that includes various narrative aspects which make ready and extend rationality. Such is the case of genealogical study of phenomena, political debate, also the learning derived from experience, education, psychophysics biography, the use of suggestion and visualization techniques, etc. Once again, it is about adding tools to develop a lucid and joyful life." (abstract)
URL http://https://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=77455380012
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