Spinoza Bibliography

Published by the Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. and directed by Manfred Walther

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Eintrag Nr. 20039
Literature type Articles
Author Peterman, Alison
Title Descartes and Spinoza
Subtitle Two Approaches to Embodyment
Title of magazine / anthology Embodyment : A History
Editor (surname first) Smith, Justin E. H. (Hrsg./ed.)
Place published New York, NY
Publisher Oxford University Press
Year 2017
Pages 215-240
Pages in total (of the volume) XV, 365
Language English
Thematic areas Epistemology / methodology / philosophy of mind, Anthropology / psychology / doctrine of affections / body and mind, Comparison of theories
Subject (individuals) Descartes, René
Autopsy no
Complete bibliographic evaluation no
German commentary "In the 17th century, Descartes and Spinoza each provided interesting and influential approaches to answering the question: what is the relationship between a mind and its body? Descartes is in large part responsible for undermining the role of the soul in answering this question, formulating the “mind-body problem” in the form that philosophers still grapple with today. Following him, in Spinoza, we find (at least) three different accounts of embodiment, whose ingenuity is attested to by their long reception in the philosophical tradition." (abstract)
English commentary "In the 17th century, Descartes and Spinoza each provided interesting and influential approaches to answering the question: what is the relationship between a mind and its body? Descartes is in large part responsible for undermining the role of the soul in answering this question, formulating the “mind-body problem” in the form that philosophers still grapple with today. Following him, in Spinoza, we find (at least) three different accounts of embodiment, whose ingenuity is attested to by their long reception in the philosophical tradition." (abstract)
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