Spinoza Bibliography

Published by the Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. and directed by Manfred Walther

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Dühring, Eugen:
Der Ersatz der Religion durch Vollkommeneres und die Abstreifung des Asiatismus

Hrsg. v. Eugen Dühring

Leipzig : Reisland, 1928. - VII, 164 pp.

First edition in the original language: Der Ersatz der Religion durch Vollkommeneres und die Ausscheidung alles Judenthums durch den modernen Völkergeist. - Karlruhe (e.a.) : Ruther, 1883. - VIII, 268 pp. (Spinoza: 54, 80, 156, 172, 193)
Mention of Spinoza: 36-37, 95-96
Other editions / translations: 2. Aufl./ed. (Titel wie / title like 1928) : Berlin : Kufahl, 1897. - Leipzig : Thomas, 1906. - VIII, 239 pp.
3. umgearb. Aufl. (Titel wie / title 1928): Leipzig : Thomas, 1906. - VIII, 239 pp. (Spinoza: 37, 63-64, 137, 155, 184)

Literature type: Monographs
Language: German
Thematic areas: Ethics, Theology / biblical hermeneutics / philosophy of religion, Spinoza and Judaism / Jewish philosophy

Complete bibliographic evaluation: yes
Autopsy: yes
English commentary: Anti-semitic.
"...notwithstanding the somewhat naturalistically shaped conceptions, as they still exist in Spinoza accoding the Jewish fundamental scheme, the kernel, at any rate, of the Jewish race morality which perceives virtue as one's own utility, i.e. makes egoism the principle, would all the more come forward nackedly and unbridedly" (p. 37).

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