Spinoza Bibliography

Published by the Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. and directed by Manfred Walther

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Rezension zu/review of: Letters to Serena : containing I. the Origin and Force of Prejudices II. The History of the Soul's Immortality among the Heathens. III. The Origin of Idolatry, and Reasons of Heathenism. As also IV. A letter to a Gentleman in Holland, showing Spinoza's system of Philosophy to be with out any Principle or foundation. V. Motion essential to Matter; in Answer to some Remarks by a Noble Friend on the Confutation of Spinoza. To all which is prefix'd, VI. A Preface; being a Letter to a Gentleman in London, sent together with the foregoing Dissertations, and declaring the several Occasion of writing them. By Mr. Toland. Opinionum commenta delet Dies, Naturae iudicia confirmat. Cic. de Nat. Deor. I.2. London. Printed for Bernard Linfort at the Middle-Temple Gate in Fleet-street. MDCCIV.

In: Nachrichten von einer Hallischen Bibliothek. 13.-18. Stück. Im April 1749- Halle : Gebauer, 1749: 301-310.

Literature type: Reviews
Language: German
Thematic areas: Reception history
Subject (individuals): Toland, John

Works reviewed: Letters to Serena: containing I. the Origin and Force of Prejudices II. The History of the Soul's Immortality among the Heathens. III. The Origin of Idolatry, and Reasons of Heathenism. As also IV. A letter to a Gentleman in Holland, showing Spinoza's system of Philosophy to be with out any Principle or foundation. V. Motion essential to Matter; in Answer to some Remarks by a Noble Friend on the Confutation of Spinoza. To all which is prefix'd, VI. A Preface; being a Letter to a Gentleman in London, sent together with the foregoing Dissertations, and declaring the several Occasion of writing them. By Mr. Toland. Opinionum commenta delet Dies, Naturae iudicia confirmat. Cic. de Nat. Deor. I.2. London. Printed for Bernard Linfort at the Middle-Temple Gate in Fleet-street. MDCCIV.

Autopsy: yes
URL: http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k939706

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