Spinoza Bibliography

Published by the Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. and directed by Manfred Walther

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Eintrag Nr. 18905
Literature type Articles
Author Kordela, A. Kiarina
Title Spinoza's Biopolitics
Subtitle Commodification of Substance and Secular Immortality
Title of magazine / anthology Spinoza's Authority, Volume I : Resistance and Power in the 'Ethics'
Editor (surname first) Kordela, A. Kiarina ; Vardoulakis, Dimitris (Hrsg./Eds.)
Place published London (e.a.)
Publisher Bloomsbury
Year 2018
Pages [197]-217
Pages in total (of the volume) IX, 222
Contains bibliography 216-217
Language English
Thematic areas Epistemology / methodology / philosophy of mind, Anthropology / psychology / doctrine of affections / body and mind, Theory of society, Philosophy of politics and law, Materialism / Marxism
Subject E, TTP
Autopsy yes
Complete bibliographic evaluation yes
German commentary "The biopolitical slippery from eternity to infinite diachony and its illusion of immortality aims at the oblivion of labor as "the real not-capital".
The distance between this capitalist perversion and Spinoza's monism corresponds to the difference between the capitalist biopolitics in infinite duration and a biopower of eternity." (S. 213)
English commentary "The biopolitical slippery from eternity to infinite diachony and its illusion of immortality aims at the oblivion of labor as "the real not-capital".
The distance between this capitalist perversion and Spinoza's monism corresponds to the difference between the capitalist biopolitics in infinite duration and a biopower of eternity." (p. 213)
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