Spinoza Bibliography

Published by the Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. and directed by Manfred Walther

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Eintrag Nr. 20173
Literature type Articles
Author Stolze, Ted
Title Revisiting a Marxist Encounter with Spinoza
Subtitle Alexandre Matheron on Militant Reason and the Intellectual Love of God
Title of magazine / anthology Crisis and Critique
Counting 2, 1
Year 2015
Pages 153-169
Mention of Spinoza durchgehend/continuously
Language English
Thematic areas Epistemology / methodology / philosophy of mind, Anthropology / psychology / doctrine of affections / body and mind, Ethics, Philosophy of politics and law, Theology / biblical hermeneutics / philosophy of religion, Reception history, Materialism / Marxism
Subject E, Ep.
Subject (individuals) Matheron, Alexandre
Other editions / translations Erneut/again: nur Untertitel/subtitle only, in: Stolze, Ted (2019): 139-152
Autopsy yes
Complete bibliographic evaluation yes
German commentary (Seitenzahlen/page numbers in Stolze, Ted (2019.): "... what is the value for Marxists in encountering Matheron's reconstruction of Spinoza's philosophical system?." (p. 149)
"What i would like to do in this chapter is to contribute to a Marxist theory of the passions by exploring the question of the transindividual pursuit of collective action - but perhaps in an unexpected way for Marxists." (p. 141)
"Not least what happens" ... "between Matheron and Spinoza" "... is a revitalisation of the ethical-political immanent norms of a classless society, a compelling exemplar of the serene militant, and a stark reminder of the rare, difficult, but excellent path ahead. Perhaps more than ever, that path beckons." (p. 152)
English commentary (Seitenzahlen/page numbers in Stolze, Ted (2019.): "... what is the value for Marxists in encountering Matheron's reconstruction of Spioza's philosophical system?." (p. 149)
"What i would like to do in this chapter is to contribute to a Marxist theory of the passions by exploring the question of the transindividual pursuit of collective action - but perhaps in an unexpected way for Marxists." (p. 141)
"Not least what happens" ... "between Matheron and Spinoza" "... is a revitalisation of the ethical-political immanent norms of a classless society, a compelling exemplar of the serene militant, and a stark reminder of the rare, difficult, but excellent path ahead. Perhaps more than ever, that path beckons." (p. 152)
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