Literatursorte | Rezensionen |
Verfasser | Kaplan, Yosef |
Titel | Rezension zu/Review of: Spinoza's First Publication? The Hebrew Translation of Margaret Fell's A 'Loving Salutation to the Seed of Abraham amonmg the Jews, wherever they are scattered up and down upon the Face of the Earth' (1987) [s. Fox, Margaret Askew Fell: A loving salutation to..., 1987] |
Titel Zeitschrift / Sammelband | Studia Rosenthaliana |
Zählung | 22, 1 |
Jahr | 73-75 |
Seiten | 1988 |
Sprache | englisch |
Sachgebiete | Sonstiges |
Rezensierte Werke | Spinoza's First Publication? The Hebrew Translation of Margaret Fell's A 'Loving Salutation to the Seed of Abraham among the Jews, wherever they are scattered up and down upon the Face of the Earth', ed. with an introd. and prefactory material by Richard H. Popkin and Michael A. Signer. - Assen [e.a.] : Van Gorcum, 1987. - (Philosophia Spinozae Perennis ; 7) |
Autopsie | nein |
Vollständig bibliografisch ausgewertet | nein |
Link zu dieser Seite | |
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