Spinoza Bibliography

Published by the Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. and directed by Manfred Walther

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Anonymus [[Spinoza, Benedictus de]]:
Stelkonstige reeckening van den regenboog
's Gravenhage : Van Dyck, 1687

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Anonymus [Spinoza, Benedictus de]:
Tractatus Theologico-Politicus
Eleutheropolis [i.e. Amsterdam] : [Rieuwertsz], 1673

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B. Spinoza [Spinoza, Benedictus de]:
Abhandlungen über die Vervollkommnung des Verstandes
Leipzig : Reclam, 1887

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Benedictus de Spinoza:
Spinoza's werken
Amsterdam : Van Looy [e.a.], 1895

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Descartes, Rene; Spinoza, Benedictus; Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm:
Yöntem Üzerine Söylem, İnsan Anlağının İyileştirilmesi Üzerine, Monadoloji [Abhandlung über die Methode, Über die Verbesserung des Verstandes, Monadologie]
İstanbul : İdea Yayınevi, 1997, 1998

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Espinosa [Spinoza, Benedictus de]:
Tratado político
Lisboa : Círculo de Leitores, 2008

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Espinosa [Spinoza, Benedictus de]:
Tratado Theológico-Político
Lisboa : Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 2004

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Espinosa [Spinoza, Benedictus de]:
Madrid : Librería Perlado, 1940

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Espinosa, B. [Spinoza, Benedictus de]:
París : Garnier, [1913]

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Espinosa, Baruch de [Spinoza, Baruch de]:
Breve tratado de Deus, do homem e do seu bem-estar
Belo Horizonte : Auténtica, 2012

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