Spinoza Bibliography

Published by the Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. and directed by Manfred Walther

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Entries 1-119 of 119

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Jäger, Gudrun ; Jehn, Mathias ; Regehly, Thomas ; Zülch, Jessica (Mitarb./coll.):
Carl Gebhardt
Frankfurt/Main : Universitätsbibliothek ; Schopenhauer-Gesellschaft , 2021/2022

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Baruch de Spinoza

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Baker, Ulus:
Kullanışlı bir felsefe: Spinozacılık [A practical philosophy: Spinozism]

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Baker, Ulus:
Bach ve Spinoza [Bach and Spinoza]

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Baker, Ulus:
Spinoza'nın Etika'sının Sunuluşu [The Presence of Spinoza's 'Ethics']

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Baker, Ulus:
Ethica Okumaları I [Reading the 'Ethics']

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Baker, Ulus:
Ethica Okumaları II [Reading the 'Ethics']

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Baker, Ulus:
Ethica Okumaları III [Reading the 'Ethics']

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Baker, Ulus:
Ethica Okumaları VI [Reading the 'Ethics']

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Baker, Ulus:
Spinoza Kitabı: Ethica'nın Sırrı [Spinozas Book: The secret of the 'Ethics']

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Benor, Ehud:
Spinoza's theory of religion
academia.edu, [circa] 2024

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Bianchi, Sabrina:
Spinoza oltre Spinoza

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Binsbergen, Thomas van ; Bunge, Wiep van:
The early Dutch reception of the 'Tractatus Theologico-Politicus'
Januar/January 2023

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Binsbergen, Thomas van ; Moreau, Pierre-François:
La première réception française du 'Tractatus Theologico-Politicus'
Januar/January 2023

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Binsbergen, Thomas van ; Schröder, Winfried:
The early German reception of the 'Tractatus Theologico-Politicus'
Januar/January 2023

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Binsbergen, Thomas van ; Simonutti, Luisa:
The early English reception of the 'Tractatus Theologico-Politicus'
Januar/January 2023

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Boros, Gábor:
Avenues from the written 'Ethics' back to the unwritten 'Philosophy'
2022 (December, 22)

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Bostrenghi, Daniela:
Le ragioni della tolleranza in Spinoza

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Bove, Laurent:
De la confiance politique

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Bové, Paul A.:
"Rethinking Culture"
Montréal : Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 1992

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Bragg, Melvyn:
In Our Time: Spinoza

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Braidotti, Rosi:
Memoirs of an Aspiring Spinozist
2022 (December, 22)

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Brombacher, Shoshannah Jeanne:
The Ethica of Spinoza

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Buyse, Filip:
La conception des corps chez Spinoza et Galilée
theses.fr, 8.12.2014

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Buzaglo, Jorge:
Capabilities: from Spinoza to Sen and beyond
2003 [3. Juni/June, 3.]

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Buzaglo, Jorge:
Capabilities: from Spinoza to Sen and beyond
2003 [13. September/September, 13th]

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Carbone, Raffaele:
Consonanze e dissonanze tra Malebranche e Spinoza

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Cengiz, Ceyhun Akın:
Spinoza'nın Tanrı Anlayışına Farklı bir Yaklaşım [A new perspective of Spinoza's conception of God]

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Collaciani, Domenico:
Il Mos geometricus nell'Olanda di Spinoza
theses.fr, 2011

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Corsi, Alessandro:
Introduzione alle Filosofia della Religione

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Cortés, Juan Vicente:
Spinoza et les politiques de son temps

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Del Grande, Angela:
Umano, solo umano
s./v. URL, s.a.

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Deleuze, Gilles:
Paris :

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Deleuze, Gilles:
On Spinoza
s./v. URL, [circa 2020]

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Djedi, Youcef:
Max Weber et le spinozisme ou la 'conduite de vie’ du 'sage'

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Dockstader, Nels:
Benedict de Spinoza: Epistemology

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Durmaz, Rahmi:
Fransa'daki Spinoza Okumaları Çerçevesinde Althusser'in Konumu ve Althusser'in Spinoza'yla İlgili İki Metni [Althussers Position in the 'Spinoza Lectures' in France and Althusser's two works about Spinoza]

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Dutton, Blake D.:
Benedict De Spinoza (1632-1677)

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Duuglas-Ittu, Kevin von:
Spinoza and Tuberculosis

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Duuglas-Ittu, Kevin von:
Was Tuberculosis the Condition of Spinoza’s Emendation of the Intellect?

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Duuglas-Ittu, Kevin von:
Spinoza the Merchant

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Duuglas-Ittu, Kevin von:
Spinoza's Foci
circa 2010

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Ersin Baltacı:
Spinoza'nın Merceği ile Karşılaşmak (Encountering Spinoza's Lens)

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Evren, Süreyya:
Spinoza Neşesi [Spinoza's Joy]

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Ferlini, Simona:
L'idea di raggione nel pensiero politico di Spinoza
Pisa : s./v. URL, s.a.

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Gengoux, Nicole:
Dans quelle mesure l’athéisme est-il inacceptable pour l’auteur du Theophrastus redivivus et pour Spinoza ?

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Goldenbaum, Ursula:
Jüdische Ethik

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Goldenbaum, Ursula:
The Geometrical Method

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Hamlaoui, Lamine:
Corps et esprit

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Hançerlioğlu, Orhan:
Pascal ve Spinoza [Pascal and Spinoza]

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Haynes, Austen:
Essence, Existence, and Necessity
University of Rhode Island (Hrsg./Ed.), 2012

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Hemelík, Martin:
Determinatio est Negatio

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Hemelík, Martin:
De Ente Sufficiente

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Hemelík, Martin:
De Deo

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Hemelík, Martin:
De Fato Humano

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Hemelík, Martin:
Mors Immortalis

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Istvan, Michael Anthony:
Spinoza and the Problem of Universals
College Station, TX : Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, 2015

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Jadoul, Hugo:
Liberté, conatus et suicide dans l'Éthique de Spinoza
academia.edu, 2023

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Jørgensen, Larry M.:
Seventeenth-Century Theories of Consciousness
Stanford : Stanford University, 2010

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Kayıran, Yücel:
Zamansız bir Eleştirmen [A Timeless Critic]

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Knesevic, Naven:
Lecture I of VII Spinoza's Ethics
academia.edu, aufgerufen/clicked 14.6.2024

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Koistinen, Olli:
Bennett on Spinoza's Philosophical Psychotherapy

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Lagrée, Jacqueline:
À propos de Spinoza
s./v. URL, 2006

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LeBuffe, Michael:
Spinoza's Psychological Theory

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LeBuffe, Michel:
Spinozas, Baruch
1. Februar 2013

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Leenhof, Frederik van:
Den Hemel op aarden
Zwolle :2004

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Macherey, Pierre:
Spinoza et la simple obéissance
28 juin 2019

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Manning, Richard:
Spinoza's Physical Theory

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Margulies, Hune E.:
Dialogue and urbanism

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Maritain, J.:
Le conflit de l'essence et de l'existence dans la philosophie cartésienne

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Melamed, Yitzhak:
The road not taken

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Melamed, Yitzhak:
On the fish's knowledge of god's essence, or why Spinoza was not a skeptic

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Melamed, Yitzhak:
Spinoza and the Kabbalah

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Melamed, Yitzhak; Schechter, Oded:
Spinoza on Death, 'Our Present Life' & the Imagination

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Mertens, Frank:
Franciscus van den Enden

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Moreau, Pierre-François:

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Moreau, Pierre-François:
Le vocabulaire psychologique de Spinoza et le problème de sa traduction
Leende : Damon, 2000

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Morfino, Vittorio:
Immaginazione e ontologia della relazione

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Morrow, Jeffrey L.:
The Acid of History

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Nadler, Allan:
Spinoza Para Bobos (Spinoza For Dummies)

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Newlands, Samuel:
Spinoza's Modal Metaphysics

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Nyden, Tammy:
Spinoza's passionate politics

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Oğuz, Zeynep:
Spinoza’nın Tanrısı [Spinoza's God]

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Ozina, Kathleen:
Die Macht des Verstandes oder die menschliche Freiheit erläutert durch die Lehrsätze 1- einschließlich 34 des fünften Teils der "Ethica" von Baruch de Spinoza
München : GRIN Verl. [Online-Ressource], 2018

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Peri, Giorgio:
Dizionario del pensiero

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Rathgeb, Gerhard:
Philosophischer Polizist im Outback
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 31.5.2024

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Ravven, Heidi:
Introduction to Spinoza's Theological Political Treatise
academia.edu, 2024

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Read, Jason:
Rezension zu/Review of: Dobbs-Weinstein, Idit: Spinoza's critique of religion and its heirs : Marx, Benjamin, Adorno

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Rovere, Maxime:
L’automate spirituel

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Rozenberg, Jacques:
Spinoza, Hume, la question du miracle et la connaissance testmoniale
academia.edu, 2023

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Rozenberg, Jacques:
Les racines théologiques de la sécularisation et leurs rapports au spinozisme [unveröffentlicht/unpublished]

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Saar, Martin:
Rezension zu/Review of: Renz, Ursula: Die Erklärbarkeit von Erfahrung : Realismus und Subjektivität in Spinozas Theorie des menschlichen Geistes

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Şahin, Özgür [Özgür Şahin]:
Spinoza Üzerinden Yürütülen Bir Metodoloji Tartışması. Düşünce Tarihinde Süper Kahramanlar Var Mıdır? Michael della Rocca vs. Daniel Garber (A methodologic discussion about Spinoza: Are there super heroes...

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Sangiacomo, Andrea:
Nota sul ruolo dell'"essentia corporis" nell'Etica' di Spinoza

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Schale, Frank:
Rezension zu/review of: Wolfgang Bartuschat / Stephan Kirste / Manfred Walther (Hrsg.): Naturalismus und Demokratie

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Schmitter, Amy M.:
Spinoza on the Emotions

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Séverac, Pascal:
Le devenir actif du corps affectif

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Sgambato-Ledoux, Isabelle:
Spinoza et Moïse

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Shein, Noa:
Spinoza's Theory of Attributes

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Sibilia, Guillermo:
Notas para pensar la communidad política en el espacio y en el tiempo
Academia.edu, 2010

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Souza, Igor H. de:
Logic and Metaphysics in the Ethics: Maimonides and Spinoza on Attributes

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Spinoza, Benedictus de:
Part 1 of Spinoza's Ethics, De Deo

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Steinberg, Justin:
Spinoza's Political Philosophy

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Steinberg, Justin:
Rezension zu/Review of: Kisner, Matthew: Spinoza on human freedom, reason, autonomy and the good life

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Stolze, Ted:
Spinoza's Three Modes of Rebellion
Academia.edu, 2019

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Suhamy, Ariel:
L’historien de la vérité

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Sunat, Haluk:
Spinoza Problemi'ne Dair [About the Spinoza Problem]

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Toto, Francesco:

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Toto, Francesco:
Imitazione e simpatia

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Vamboulis, Épaminondas:
Le principe d’inertie et le conatus du corps

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Verni, Riccardo:
Machiavelli e Spinoza
Urbino :2007

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Vinciguerra, Lorenzo:
L'antropologia di Spinoza

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Vinciguerra, Lorenzo:
Spinoza and the Origins of Nihilism

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Walther, Manfred:
Carl Schmitt e Baruch de Spinoza – ou as aventuras do conceito do político

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Williams, Caroline:
Reimagining the Subject

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Witson, Roger:
Jerusalem and "the Jew"

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Zaoui, Pierre:
Spinoza: un autre salut par le corps?

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Žižek, Slavoj:

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Žižek, Slavoj:
Spinoza, Kant, Hegel and ... Badiou
lacan.com, 1997/2007

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Entries 1-119 of 119

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