Spinoza Bibliography

Published by the Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. and directed by Manfred Walther

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Eintrag Nr. 9308
Literature type Edited collections
Title Speculum Spinozanum 1677-1977
Editor Edited by Siegfried Hessing, with a foreword by Huston Smith
Editor (surname first) Hessing, Siegfried (Hrsg./Ed.) ; Smith, Huston (Vorw./Pref.)
Place published London [e.a.]
Publisher Routledge & Kegan Paul
Year 1977 [1978]
Pages in total (of the volume) XXI, 590
Works contained Bernard, Walter ; Bickel, Lothar ; Brann, Henry Walter ; Collins, James ; Curley, Edwin ; Durant, Will ; Eisenberg, Paul D. ; Fløistad, Guttorm ; German Seminar Peking ; Giancotti Boscherini, Emilia ; Goncalves Cerqueira, Joaquim ; Hammacher, Klaus ; Harris, Errol E. ; Henrard, Roger ; Hessing, Siegfried / / / ; Hubbeling, Hubertus Gezinus ; Huh-Shih ; Kisaku, Kudo ; Kline, George L. ; Matheron, Alexandre ; Misrahi, Robert ; Naess, Arne ; Offenberg, Adriaan K. ; Préposiet, Jean ; Saito, Hiroshi ; Shimizu, Reiko ; Suchtelen, Guido van ; Wetlesen, Jon ; Wienpahl, Paul ; Wilson, Colin ; Zac, Sylvain
Language German, English, French
Thematic areas Commentary of works, Metaphysics / ontology, Epistemology / methodology / philosophy of mind, Ethics, Philosophy of politics and law, Theology / biblical hermeneutics / philosophy of religion, Previous history (e.g. Descartes, Stoicism), Contemporaries and context, Reception history, Comparison of theories, Spinoza and Judaism / Jewish philosophy, Anniversary lectures / jubilee articles / conference proceedings
Subject Complete Works
Other editions / translations Erneut/again (e-book): London : Routledge, 2019 // 2021
Reviews De Dijn, Herman (1977)
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