Strauss, Leo:
Spinoza's critique of religion
Translated by E. M. Sinclair
New York : Schocken, 1965. - 351 pp.
First edition in the original language: Deutsch/German (1930) [ohne Vorwort/without preface]
Other editions / translations: Erneut/again: Chicago [e.a.]: University of Chicago Press, 1977 // 1997 // [Verf./ author: Strauss, Levi] 1982 // Nur das Vorw./preface only in: Strauss, Leo: Liberalism Ancient and Modern / Foreword by Allan Bloom. - New York [e.a.] : Basic Books, 1968. - XI, 276 pp.: 224-259 // Chicago [e.a.] : Univ. of Chicago Pr., 1997 // In: Strauss, Leo: Jewish Philosophy and the crisis of modern thought : Essays and Lectures in Modern Jewish Thought / ed. with an introd. by Kenneth Hart Greeen. - Albany, NY : State University of New York Press, 1997. - (SUNY series in the Jewish writings of Leo Strauss): 137-178 // 1997
Französisch/French (1996)
Vorwort [Franz.]/Preface [French]: Strauss, Leo (1991)
Vorwort [Deutsch]/Preface [German] (1996) in: Strauss, Leo: Gesammelte Schriften ; 1: 5-54
Literature type: Monographs
Language: English
Thematic areas: Theology / biblical hermeneutics / philosophy of religion
Subject: TTP
Subject (individuals): Maimonides, Moses ; Costa, Uriel da; La Peyrère, Isaac de; Hobbes, Thomas; Calvin, Johannes
Autopsy: yes
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