Adler, Jacob:
Rezension zu/review of: Cassuto, Philippe: Spinoza hébraїsant : L'hébreu dans le "Tractatus theologico-politicus" et le "Compendium grammatices linguae hebraeae"
In: Spinoza and Late Scholasticism / Special editors: Robert Schnepf, Ursula Renz. - Würzburg : Königshausen & Neumann, 2008: 286-288. - (Studia Spinozana ; 16)
Literature type: Reviews
Language: English
Thematic areas: Language / philosophy of language, Spinoza and Judaism / Jewish philosophy
Subject: CG, TTP
Works reviewed: Cassuto, Philippe: Spinoza hébraїsant : L'hébreu dans le "Tractatus theologico-politicus" et le "Compendium grammatices linguae hebraeae". - Paris [e.a.] : Peeters, 1999. - VIII, 362 pp. - (Collection de la Revue des Études juives)
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