Literature type | Articles |
Author | Zac, Sylvain |
Title | Spinoza et la théorie des attributs de Dieu de Maїmonide |
Title of magazine / anthology | Lo spinozismo ieri e oggi |
Editor | Dir. da Marco M. Olivetti |
Editor (surname first) | Olivetti, Marco M. (Hrsg./Ed.) |
Place published | Padova |
Publisher | Cedam |
Year | 1978 |
Pages | [11]-27 |
Pages in total (of the volume) | 410 |
Series ; volume | Archivio di filosofia 78,1 |
Language | French |
Thematic areas | Theology / biblical hermeneutics / philosophy of religion, Comparison of theories |
Subject (individuals) | Maimonides, Moses |
Other editions / translations | Erneut/Again in: Zac (1979) |
Autopsy | yes |
Complete bibliographic evaluation | no |
Link to this page | |
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