Montag, Warren; Stolze, Ted (Hrsg./Ed.):
The New Spinoza : Theory Out Of Bounds
Montag, Warren and Ted Stolze, editors
Minneapolis [e.a.] : University of Minnesota Press, 1997. - XIX, 258 : Ill. - (Theory out of bounds ; 11).
Works contained: Albiac, Gabriel ; Althusser, Louis ; Balibar, Etienne ; Deleuze, Gilles ; Macherey, Pierre ; Matheron, Alexandre ; Montag, Warren ; Moreau, Pierre-François ; Negri, Antonio
Contains bibliography: [248]-253
Other editions / translations: 2008
Literature type: Edited collections
Language: English
Thematic areas: Overall view / introduction, Reception history
Reviews: Connolly, William A. (2001)
Autopsy: yes
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