Cudworth, Ralph:
Radulphi Cudworthi, Systema intellentuale huius universi seu de veris naturae rerum originibus commentarii quibus omnis eorum philosophi, qui Deum esse negant, funditus evertitur, accedunt reliqua eius opuscula : Ioannes Laurentius Moshemius [!], omnia ex anglico latine vertit, recenuit, variisque observationibus et dissertationibus illustravit et auxit
Mosheim, Johann Lorenz von (Hrsg./Ed., Übers./Transl., Komment./Comment.)
Jena : Meyer, 1733. - LVIII, 1206 pp.
First edition in the original language: Engl.: London, 1678
Mention of Spinoza: 357-358 [Anm./note 58], 455-456 [Anm./note 45], 468 [Anm./note 9], 530 [Anm./note 32], 794 [Anm./note 1], 811 [Anm./note 1], 863, 925-926 [Anm./note 2], 931 [Anm./note 1], 971-972; 1139-1140 [Anm./note 1], 1202 [Anm./note 1]
Other editions / translations: Erneut/Again: Den Haag, 1773
Engl.: The True Intellectual System of the Universe, 2 vls. London 1678 // Reprint d. engl. Ausg. 1678 / hrsg. v. Bernhard Fabian. - Hildesheim [e.a.] : Olms, 1977. - (Ralph Cudworth : Collected Works ; 1)
Literature type: Monographs
Language: Latin
Thematic areas: Comparison of theories
Autopsy: yes
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