Literature type | Reviews |
Author | Heerich, Thomas |
Title | Rezension zu/review of: Negri, Antonio: Spinoza sovversivo : Variazioni (in)attuali |
Title of magazine / anthology | Spinoza and Descartes |
Editor | Special editorial team: J.-M. Beyssade, W. Klever, M. Wilson |
Editor (surname first) | Beyssade, Jean-Marie; Klever, Wim; Wilson, M[argaret] (Hrsg./Ed.) |
Place published | Würzburg |
Publisher | Königshausen & Neumann |
Year | [1996] |
Pages | 374-376 |
Pages in total (of the volume) | 411 |
Series ; volume | Studia Spinozana ; 10 (1994) |
Language | German |
Thematic areas | Metaphysics / ontology, Epistemology / methodology / philosophy of mind, Theory of society |
Works reviewed | Negri, Antonio: Spinoza sovversivo : Variationi (in)attuali / Intr. di Emilia Giancotti. - Roma : Pellicani, 1992. - XXXIX, 163 pp. |
Autopsy | yes |
Complete bibliographic evaluation | yes |
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