Bunge, Wiep van; Klever, Wim (Hrsg./Ed.):
Disguised and overt Spinozism around 1700 : Papers Presented at the International Colloquium held at Rotterdam, 5-8 October 1994
Ed. by Wiep van Bunge and Wim Klever
Leiden [e.a.] : Brill, 1996. - IX, 376, [5] - (Brill's Studies in Intellectual History ; 69).
Works contained: Bove, Laurent ; Brown, Stuart ; Bunge, Wiep van ; Fix, Andrew ; Hutton, Sarah ; Israel, Jonathan ; Jongeneelen, Gerrit ; Klever, Wim ; Krop, Henri ; Lagrée, Jacqueline ; MacKenna, Antony ; Otto, Rüdiger ; Schröder, Winfried ; Scribano, Emanuela ; Sheridan, Geraldine ; Simonutti, Luisa ; Thissen, Siebe ; Totaro, Pina ; Vermij, Rienk ; De Vet, Jan ; Wielema, Michiel
Literature type: Edited collections
Language: English, French
Thematic areas: Contemporaries and context, Reception history
Subject: Complete Works
Reviews: Parkinson, G[eorge] H[enry] R[adcliffe] (1997)
Cristofolini, Paolo (2003)
Autopsy: yes
English commentary: Conference report: Brown, Stuart
Link to this page: http://spinoza.hab.de/detail.php?id=5906&LANG=EN
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